Working group
Agricultural-PDB Working Groups: Fostering Collaboration and Innovation
Our working group meetings with Agricultural-PDBs are designed to delve into topics selected by members, addressing their specific needs and fostering an exchange of ideas and experiences. This initiative consists of three sessions per topic, providing a structured approach to learning and collaboration. From introducing general concepts to presenting new tools and offering technical support, these sessions are a vital platform for knowledge-sharing and mutual growth.
The working group meetings are held with the Agricultural-PDBs to discuss topics that have been chosen by the members and to learn more about specific topics that address their needs. The initiative provides members with the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences, as well as have meaningful discussions on relevant issues.
The novel concept consists of hosting three working group sessions per topic, beginning with an introduction of general concepts regarding the topics chosen by Platform members and the role of Agri-PDBs. In the second session, the platform presented new tools developed by technical partners, as well as those already practiced by Agri-PDBs. This second session will also provide an opportunity for members to ask questions and receive feedback from technical partners. In addition, it will also enable the PDBs to get a better understanding of the tool and its potential to help them in their operations.
The third session will be driven by member demand, with a small group of PDBs showing an interest in learning and working closely on the selected tool and benefiting from the training for their staff. The platform will provide technical support and advice to ensure that the PDBs can use the tools effectively.
As of now, the platform is holding two sessions per topic in order to allow a greater number of Agri-PDBs to participate based on their geographical location. There is a panel of agricultural PDBs attending the meeting (Asian and African PDBs in a common session, LAC countries in another session). There will be a further working group session specifically for the Pacific region in the near future.
Each session will feature IFAD and AFD consultants preparing and reviewing a technical note that will be shared with all participants before the meeting along with the invitation and agenda. Apart from the technical note, we invite mostly PDB references from Group 3 to prepare their presentations, which we support with content topics and translation.
After the working groups, a synthesis was prepared and shared with all the Platform members highlighting key elements and take-home messages to facilitate the learning and exchange of experience among PDBs, identifying best practices, and facilitating links between various stakeholders.
Technical notes and synthesis are available online, and this goes hand in hand with initiatives to ensure continuous engagement and exchange among Working Group members. Update