Platform’s Collaborative Initiatives

Since 2021, the Agri-PDB | Platform has held Working group sessions addressing topics related for example to digitalization, food security, adaptation to climate change, and the commitment of Agri-PDBs to agroecology.

Scaling up financing for sustainable food systems

According to the needs and context of the Agri-PDBs, the Platform aims to help them to scale up financing to deliver green and inclusive food systems, revisit their business model and governance structure, build capacity, support the process of digitization, and develop tools for measuring risks, Environmental and Social impact, and Monitoring & evaluation.

Agri PDBs activities

The Platform activities will be organized around three pillars:

  • Learning and Knowledge Management
  • Capacity building and innovation
  • Advocacy and awareness raising

The 3 pillars of the platform

Learning and Knowledge Management

  • Identify successful strategies for assiting farmers to switch to drought resistant seeds and farming practices
  • Dissemination of knowledge products (written or video) via the Platform website and partner regional networks
  • Promoting peet-to-peer exchange of knowledge
  • Research conducted by the platform secretariat and partner networks
  • Exchange visits between PDBs to share knowledge and experiences
  • Generation of actionable information on proven and effective models for green and inclusive food systems

Capacity building and innovation

  • Identify successful strategies for assiting farmers to switch to drought resistant seeds and farming practices
  • Dissemination of knowledge products (written or video) via the Platform website and partner regional networks
  • Promoting peet-to-peer exchange of knowledge
  • Research conducted by the platform secretariat and partner networks
  • Exchange visits between PDBs to share knowledge and experiences
  • Generation of actionable information on proven and effective models for green and inclusive food systems

Advocacy and awareness raising

  • Identify successful strategies for assiting farmers to switch to drought resistant seeds and farming practices
  • Dissemination of knowledge products (written or video) via the Platform website and partner regional networks
  • Promoting peet-to-peer exchange of knowledge
  • Research conducted by the platform secretariat and partner networks
  • Exchange visits between PDBs to share knowledge and experiences
  • Generation of actionable information on proven and effective models for green and inclusive food systems

Platform evolution

  • November 2022
    Conducting a Survey with Agri-PDBs.
  • June - December 2022
    Finalizing the Feasibility & Business Model for the Agri-PDB Platform.
  • January - March 2023
    Database extension from 72 Members 2022, to 132 in 2023, and 5 Regional Networks.
  • First Semester 2023
    Working groups with focus on financing climate change adaptation.
  • December 2023
    Launch of the working group commitment of PDBs towards Agroecology.
  • January - February 2024
    Database extension to146 members.
  • March 2024
    First demonstration session of ABC-Map tool to the interested PDBs members
  • April 2024
    Launch of the Agri-PDB Platform website.