Enhancing Capacity and Collaboration: The Agri-PDB Platform’s Support for Agricultural Public Development Banks

On demand, the platform will provide technical support to Agri-PDBs, helping them to build their capacity to effectively address key operational and governance challenges, such as better assessing and monitoring risks, matching technical assistance needs with providers, and utilizing instruments such as South-South and Triangular Cooperation. The platform will also provide access to resources such as capacity-building materials and online courses.

Moreover, the platform will organize effective staff capacity development programs for PDBs, including well-organized and systematic opportunities for staff exchange between partner Agri-PDBs and other relevant partner organizations. These staff exchange programs will be tailored to the specific needs of each PDB and will enable staff to learn from each other’s experiences and gain knowledge and skills. The program will also provide opportunities for staff to build their professional networks and build relationships with stakeholders.

Tailoring Rural Outreach and Advancing Green Strategies: The Agri-PDB Platform’s Comprehensive Support for Agricultural Public Development Banks

Through the Agri-PDB Platform, members are supported in the development of rural outreach strategies based on innovative models proven successful in similar circumstances. The platform provides access to expertise and resources needed to create and implement successful rural outreach initiatives. This helps to ensure that rural outreach strategies are tailored to local needs and conditions.

This platform will provide advisory services to PDBs, including mapping of financial products linked to green and inclusive agriculture and food systems, advice on strategic priorities and product development, and mapping of relevant partners.

This platform will assist PDBs in setting up and effectively measuring standardized and comparable environmental and inclusion outcomes. The platform will also provide access to experts that can help PDBs assess the effectiveness of their outreach initiatives and adjust them as needed. This platform will also help PDBs identify potential partners and stakeholders that can help them achieve their goals.